Cancer TF ID Symbol Immune cell Immune data source P value R value
ACC ENSG00000175105 ZNF654 Neutrophil MCPCOUNTER 4.338e-03 0.3189
ACC ENSG00000060138 YBX3 Neutrophil TIMER 5.579e-03 0.3102
ACC ENSG00000114126 TFDP2 Neutrophil CIBERSORT 6.298e-03 -0.3049
ACC ENSG00000114126 TFDP2 Neutrophil CIBERSORT-ABS 6.833e-03 -0.302
ACC ENSG00000166716 ZNF592 Neutrophil QUANTISEQ 4.087e-03 0.3196
ACC ENSG00000166716 ZNF592 Neutrophil MCPCOUNTER 6.671e-03 0.3039
ACC ENSG00000172059 KLF11 Neutrophil MCPCOUNTER 3.831e-04 0.3926
ACC ENSG00000102908 NFAT5 Neutrophil MCPCOUNTER 3.564e-05 0.4518
ACC ENSG00000166949 SMAD3 Neutrophil QUANTISEQ 4.407e-03 0.3171
ACC ENSG00000179388 EGR3 Neutrophil TIMER 3.828e-03 0.3231
ACC ENSG00000197279 ZNF165 Neutrophil XCELL 6.577e-03 -0.3033
ACC ENSG00000104903 LYL1 Neutrophil MCPCOUNTER 5.954e-03 -0.3079
ACC ENSG00000126456 IRF3 Neutrophil MCPCOUNTER 2.312e-03 -0.3397
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