Cancer immunotherapy is a promising innovative treatment for many forms of cancer. Patients that are treated with immunotherapy have shown varying response rates. In order to improve the response rates, it is critical to genome-wide identify the potential regulons for immune-related pathways in cancer.
ImmReg (The Regulon Atlas of Immune-related Pathways across Cancer Types) is a comprehensive regulons atlas of immune-related pathways across 10677 patients in 33 cancer types. Three types of immune-related information were provided in this database. (i) Reg-Pathways: Potential immune regulons across cancer types, including transcription factors (TFs), microRNA (miRNAs), RNA binding proteins (RBPs) and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). (ii) Reg-Cells: The correlation between expression of regulons and immune cell infiltrations in cancer. (iii) Reg-Cancer: Differentially expressed regulons across cancers. All data can be downloaded for further analyses.
As the first comprehensive immune regulons atlas, ImmReg could significantly contribute to the research for the immunotherapy of cancers.
Related references:
ImmReg: The Regulon Atlas of Immune-related Pathways across Cancer Types , PMID: 34755873
Pan-cancer characterization of immune-related lncRNAs identifies potential oncogenic biomarkers , PMID: 32081859
Yongsheng Li, Email:
Juan Xu, Email:
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